
This is the COMPLETE list of 41 F.E.L.S.E.F. ® and 3 related Environmental Law Committee Program Reports available to the public for purchase.

PROGRAM REPORTS are approximate transcripts of the presentations of lunch panel speakers, as well as of the question and answer periods that follow. Each Report runs about 10 to 15 pages single-spaced, or about 5000 to 7500 words. Each Report costs U.S $ 50., which includes shipping and handling. Program Reports are available in hard copy ONLY.

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UNIFYING ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: IS NOW THE TIME FOR AN ORGANIC ACT FOR THE U.S. EPA? May 1, 1996 Environmental Law Committee lunch program. Panelists include: F. SCOTT BUSH, Director of Reinventing EPA / Environmental Policy at the National Environmental Policy Institute; TERRY DAVIES, Director of the Center for Risk Management at Resources for the Future; and ROBERT SUSSMAN, Partner at the D.C. law offices of Latham & Watkins and former Deputy Administrator at U.S. EPA.

VISIONS FOR THE FUTURE: ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, THE ECONOMICS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND THE LAW, AND THE GREEN REENGINEERING OF U.S. INDUSTRY. September 12, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: J. WILLIAM FUTRELL, President of the Environmental Law Institute; ROBERT WOLCOTT, Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation at the U.S. EPA; DAVID HAWKINS, former Assistant Administrator for Air, Noise and Radiation at the U.S. EPA and presently Senior Attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council; and WILLIAM Y. BROWN, former V.P. for Environmental Planning & Programs with WMX and now Senior Fellow at the World Wildlife Fund.

FULL COST ACCOUNTING: A UNIFYING LANGUAGE FOR ALL ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS? May 28, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include SHEK JAIN, attorney with the law firm of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; JOHN A. DIXON, Chief of the Indicators & Environmental Valuation Unit at the World Bank; JOHN T. GANZI, President of Environment & Finance Enterprise, L.L.C.; and PETER GRIER, Senior Quality Management Specialist with the consulting firm of Science Applications International Corporation.



(See also "International / Trade & Environment")

REMOVING LEGAL OBSTACLES TO THE GROWTH OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INDUSTRY: HOW LAWYERS CAN HELP. September 25, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DAVID REJESKI, with the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House; R. DARRYL BANKS, ESQ., Director of the Technology and Environment Program at the World Resources Institute; BYRON SWIFT, ESQ., Director of the Technology Center at the Environmental Law Institute; and MICHAEL GOLLIN, ESQ., an intellectual property attorney with the firm of Spencer & Frank and member of the National Research Council's Panel on Commercializing Innovative Remediation Technology.

FINANCING INNOVATION AND GROWTH IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY: HOW LAWYERS CAN HELP. October 9, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: WALTER S. HOWES, President of EBI Capital, Inc.; BERT ROSICA, principal in the environmental merchant banking firm of Reilly Rosica & Associates, Inc.; ROBERT C. ZIMMER; President of Unifinancial International, Inc.; and GLENN HARRIS, ESQ., Trial Attorney in the Office of the General Counsel at the Small Business Administration and responsible for developing the agency's environmental risk reduction (I. e., lender liability) policies.

COMMERCIALIZING FEDERAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY: HOW LAWYERS CAN HELP. October 24, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include ANDREW D. PATERSON, Managing Director of the Research Institute for the Management of Technology; R. THOMAS PARKER, JR., Senior Expert Advisor and Director of the Office of Technology Integration in the Office of Environmental Management at the U.S. Department of Energy; WALTER S. HOWES, President of EBI Capital, Inc.; and THOMAS F. WIDMER, former President and CEO of Thermo Technology Ventures, Inc., a Thermo Electron Company, now retired.

EXPORTING U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY: HOW LAWYERS CAN HELP. November 13, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: ANNE L. ALONZO, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environmental Technology Exports at the U.S. Department of Commerce; and JOHN F. MIZROCH, Executive Director of the Environmental Export Council.



EVOLUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND PROTECTION PROGRAM # 1: BUILDING CONSENSUS IN PUBLIC SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES DISPUTES. December 10, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DEBORAH S. DALTON, Deputy Director, Consensus and Dispute Resolution Program, U.S. EPA; DAVID BATSON, ESQ., Alternative Dispute Resolution Specialist, U.S. EPA; CHARLES POU, principal in the ADR firm of Harter & Pou; and LEE LANGSTAFF, Senior Mediator with the private ADR firm Resolve.

EVOLUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND PROTECTION PROGRAM # 2: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION THROUGH FREE MARKET MECHANISMS: PROMISE OR PITFALL? January 8, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch Program. Panelists include: ROBERT W. HAHN, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute; DR. RAYMOND PRINCE, Senior Economist at the Council of Economic Advisers in the Executive Office of the President; JONATHAN H. ADLER, Director of Environmental Studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute; and DR. DENNIS KING, at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies. Moderated by ALAN P. LOEB, ESQ., with the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory.

EVOLUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND PROTECTION PROGRAM # 3: THE FUTURE OF PRIVATE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW PRACTICE. January 23, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: WILLIAM A. BUTLER, ESQ., with the Washington, D.C. law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering; HOLLY CANNON, ESQ., Managing Partner of the Washington, D.C. law firm of Beveridge & Diamond; and ROBERT L. RHODES, ESQ., Executive Partner of the Washington, D.C. law offices of Florida-based Holland & Knight, and Chair of the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy & Technology (or "NACEPT") that reports directly to U.S. EPA Administrator Carol Browner.



THE GREEN REENGINEERING OF U.S. INDUSTRY PROGRAM # 1: RESPONDING TO THE GLOBAL CHALLENGE OF ISO 14000 AND THE DOMESTIC PROMISE OF REG REFORM. February 5, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: JOE CASCIO, Chairman, U.S. TAG to IS TC 270 and Vice President, Environmental Management Systems, Global Environment and Technology Foundation; ABHI-SHEK JAIN, ESQ., Author, Reshaping Environmental Management Practices in Corporate America, and attorney in the Washington, D.C. law offices of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; FRED C. HART, P.E., Member, U.S. TAG and Environmental Performance Evaluation Subcommittee, and President of the environmental consulting firm of The Hart Partners, Inc.; and KATIE KUNZER, ESQ., Assistant General Counsel responsible for Risk and Regulatory Reform, Chemical Manufacturers Association.

GREEN REENGINEERING INDUSTRY PANEL # 1: MODERN ENERGY, OR THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES OF A DEREGULATED ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY. February 19, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DANIEL LASHOF, PH.D., Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council; ROBERT BECK, Vice President for Environmental Affairs, Edison Electric Institute; JEFF DUNCAN, Legislative Director, Office of Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-MA), U.S. House of Representatives; and THOMAS RUDEBUSCH, ESQ., with the law firm of Duncan, Weinberg, Miller & Pembroke.

GREEN REENGINEERING INDUSTRY PANEL # 2: MODERN MANUFACTURING, OR THE EXAMPLES OF THE COMPUTER AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRIES. March 26, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DIANA J. BENDZ, Senior Location Executive at Endicott, New York and Director of Environmentally Conscious Products for IBM; BARRY DAMBACH, Manager for Technology & Environment, in the Global Environmental, Health & Safety division of Lucent Technologies; and TIM MOHIN, Government Affairs Manager for Environment, Health and Safety at Intel Corp..

GREEN REENGINEERING INDUSTRY PANEL # 3: MODERN AGRICULTURE, OR PESTICIDES, FERTILIZERS, BIO-TECH AND ALTERNATIVE FARMING. April 23, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: JANET L. ANDERSON, Director, BioPesticides and Pollution Prevention Division, Office of Pesticides, U.S. EPA; DOUGLAS T. NELSON, ESQ., Senior Vice President and General Counsel, American Crop Protection Association; DR. GARTH YOUNGBERG, Director, Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture; MARGARET MELLON, Senior Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists; MICHAEL GOLLIN, ESQ., attorney with the law firm of Spencer & Frank (Moderator).

GREEN REENGINEERING INDUSTRY PANEL # 4: MODERN SERVICES, OR PACKAGE DELIVERY, RETAIL FOOD AND HEALTH". May 21, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: BRUCE GUILE, Managing Director of the Washington Advisory Group and former Director of the Program Office at the National Academy of Engineering; MICHAEL BARR, Manager of the Pollution Prevention Program at the U.S. Postal Service; J. WINSTON PORTER, President of the Waste Policy Center of Leesburg, Virginia, consultant to McDonald's and Coca Cola, and former Assistant Administrator for Solid and Hazardous Waste at U.S. EPA; and KATHY WAGNER, environmental consultant, formerly at the Office of Technology Assessment, and author of the soon to be published "Environmental Management in Health Care".



MUNICIPAL DRINKING WATER AND WASTE WATER. September 16, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: Dr. MARTIN ("MARTY") REUSS, Senior Historian with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; ANNE BRAGHETTA, environmental engineer and drinking water specialist with the firm of Montgomery Watson; JOHN ("JACK") SULLIVAN, Deputy Executive Director of the American Water Works Association; JOHN PETERSEN, President of the Government Finance Group; and ED OSANN, consultant on energy and natural resources, formerly the Director of the Water Resources Program at the National Wildlife Foundation.

ENERGY (ELECTRICITY). November 11, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DR. AMY FRIEDLANDER, a Senior Writer with the Corporation for National Research Initiatives and the author of "Power and Light: Electricity in the U.S. Energy Infrastructure, 1870-1940"; DR. ROBERT BROCKSEN, Senior Scientist with the Electric Power Research Institute (or "EPRI"); BERT ROSICA, Principal with the environmental investment banking firm of Reilly, Rosica & Associates; and DR. DALLAS BURTRAW, economist with Resources for the Future.

TRANSPORTATION. January 13, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: JACK KINSTLINGER, Chairman and CEO of KCI Technologies & Project Director for the DC-Baltimore Maglev train U.S. DoT study, and formerly Executive Director of the Colorado State Department of Highways & Deputy Secretary of Planning for the Pennsylvania Department of Highways; HAL KASSOFF, Vice President and Highway Program Manager at the transportation consulting firm of Parsons Brinckerhoff, and formerly Executive V.P. of ITS ("Intelligent Transportation Systems") America & Administrator of the Maryland State Highway Administration; STEPHEN LOCKWOOD, Vice President for the Finance and Economics Group at the transportation consulting firm of Parson Brinckerhoff, and formerly Chief of policy at the Federal Highway Administration & Chair of the ISTEA Legislative Task Force; and CHRISTOPHER J. BENDER, Communications Manager, standing in for HANK DITTMAR, Executive Director of the Surface Transportation Policy Project ("STPP") & Member of the White House Advisory Committee on Transportation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions & The President's Council on Sustainable Development's Energy and Transportation Task Force.

URBAN PLANNING & LAND USE. March 10, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: HENRY L. DIAMOND, Senior Partner with the law firm of Beveridge & Diamond and co-author of "Land Use in America"; ADELE C. MORRIS, PH.D., Senior Economist with the President's Council of Economic Advisers and author most recently of "Property Tax Treatment of Farmland: Does Tax Relief Delay Land Development?", a chapter in "Local Government Tax and Land Use Policies in the United States: Understanding the Links", edited by Helen Ladd; GEOFFREY ANDERSON, Regulatory Impact Analyst, Office of Urban and Economic Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and reporter recently to the U.S. Conference of Mayors on the environmental incentives for "in-fills", including impacts on water, energy and transportation infrastructures; MARIE C. HALKA, Program Manager, Office of Program Development & Business Services, Maryland Department of the Environment and MDE's liaison to the Governor's "Smart Growth" Plan; and DAVID BURACK, Director of the Sustainable Cities Initiative at CH2M Hill.

THE INTERNET AND OTHER MODERN INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURES: DIRECT AND INDIRECT IMPACTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLICY, AND THE ECONOMY AND SOCIETY. May 12, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DR. AMY FRIEDLANDER, Editor, D-Lib Magazine with the Corporation for National Research Initiatives; DIANA BENDZ, Senior Location Executive at Endicott, New York & Director of Environmentally Conscious Products, Corporate Operations and Environmental Affairs, IBM; DOUG MERCHANT, Research Director, Technology and Environment, in the Environmental Health and Safety Division of AT&T; and ROBERT W. KELLY, Director of Government Services, Orbital Communications Corp. ("Orbcomm USA").



ENVIRONMENTAL RISK AND THE BANKING INDUSTRY. September 15, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DEAN JEFFERY "JEFF" TELEGO, Executive Director of the Environmental Bankers Association; GLENN P. HARRIS, an attorney in the Office of General Counsel in the U.S. Small Business Administration; PAUL LEVINE, Vice President and Environmental Risk Manager with Chase Manhattan's Real Estate Finance division; and TODD HANSON, Environmental Specialist in the Environment Division of the Capital Markets Environmental Services Technical and Environment Department at the International Finance Corporation.

ENVIRONMENTAL RISK AND THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY. November 17, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: ROBERT F. LAWRENCE, Partner with the law firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; BRAD A. MAUER, Director of Commercial Real Estate Market with Kemper Environmental; and KATHRYN P. BRODERICK, an attorney with the law offices of Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds.

BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATIVE FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS FOR MANAGING ENVIRONMENTAL RISK. January 12, 1999 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: CHARLES BARTSCH, Senior Policy Analyst, Economic Development, Director, Brownfields Financing Studies, Northeast-Midwest Institute; BROOKS J. BOWEN, Vice President for Regulatory Affairs, Multinational Legal Services, Inc.; SUE NEUMAN, President, Environmental Insurance Agency; MARCEL RICCIARDELLI, Regional Manager (Mid-Atlantic), AIG Environmental; and STEVE JONES, ESQ., Partner, Jones Jain.

U.S. DOMESTIC TAX POLICY: OBSTACLE OR TOOL FOR ACHIEVING NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY GOALS? March 16, 1999, the F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: AL McGARTLAND, Director of the Office of Economy and Environment at U.S. EPA; MARSHALL WHITENTON, Vice President for Resources, Environment and Regulations at the National Association of Manufacturers; ANDREW HOERNER, Senior Research Scholar at the Center for a Sustainable Economy; and MARK MAZUR, Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Energy.

U.S. INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POLICY: OBSTACLE OR TOOL FOR GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY GOALS? May 18, 1999, F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include EDWIN D. WILLIAMSON, Partner with the law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell and Vice Chairman of the Committees on MAI of the USCIB and of the OECD's Business and Industry Advisory Council; FRANCES SEYMOUR, Director of the Institutions and Governance Program at the World Resources Institute; ALLEN BLACKMAN, Fellow in the Quality of the Environment Division at Resources for the Future; and ALAN S. MILLER, Senior Environmental Specialist for Climate Change in the Global Environmental Facility at the World Bank.




NEGOTIATING THE GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE TREATY. September 19, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: KEVIN J. FAY, ESQ., Partner with the law firm of Alcalde & Fay and Executive Director of the International Climate Change Partnership; DANIEL A. REIFSNYDER, Director of the Office of Global Change at the U.S. State Department; DR. JEFFREY A. HUNKER, Senior Policy Adviser to the Secretary at the U.S. Department of Commerce; and JOHN B. SHLAES, Director of the Global Climate Change Coalition.

UPDATE ON THE CLIMATE TREATY: THE DECEMBER NEGOTIATIONS IN GENEVA AND A DISCUSSION OF STRATEGIES INCLUDING CAPS AND TRADES, TAXES, AND JOINT IMPLEMENTATION. January 16, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: JOE GOFFMAN, ESQ., Senior Attorney with the Environmental Defense Fund; ROB WOLCOTT, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy, Planning and Evaluation at U.S. EPA; as well as MAUREEN KOETZ, ESQ., Counsel to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee; and DR. JEFFREY HUNKER, Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Commerce.

CLIMATE TREATY UPDATE # 2: PERSPECTIVES FROM CAPITOL HILL ON THE FRAMEWORK CLIMATE CHANGE CONVENTION. April 17, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: MAUREEN T. KOETZ, Counsel (Majority), Committee on Energy & Natural Resources, U.S. Senate; MICHAEL RODEMEYER, Chief Democratic Counsel, Science Committee, U.S. House of Representatives; SUSAN SHERIDAN, Counsel (Minority), Commerce Committee, U.S. House of Representatives; and JOHN BOND, Executive Director, Global Legislators Organized for a Balanced Environment ("GLOBE").

CLIMATE TREATY UPDATE # 3: CHINA'S PERSPECTIVES AND ROLES IN ANY FUTURE GREENHOUSE GAS TREATY, AND APPROPRIATE U.S. FOREIGN POLICY STRATEGIES. October 14, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DR. JIAN XIE, consultant with the Environment Department at the World Bank; WILLIAM A. NITZE, Assistant Administrator, Office of International Activities, U.S. EPA; PAUL F. SCHWENGELS, Deputy Director, U.S. Country Studies and U.S. Initiative on Joint Implementation Programs; MICHAEL P. WALSH, Consultant and formerly, Director of U.S. EPA's Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Program; and BARBARA FINAMORE, Director of the China Clean Energy Initiative at the Natural Resources Defense Council. Special Guest Producer: POLLY N. SHAW.

CLIMATE TREATY UPDATE # 4: THE RESULTS OF THE KYOTO SUMMIT: AN IMMEDIATE ASSESSMENT WITH THE KEY PLAYERS. December 16, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DIRK FORRISTER, Chairman of the White House Climate Change Task Force; GAIL McDONALD, President of the Global Climate Coalition, a lobbying group affiliated with the National Association of Manufacturers; JOHN TOPPING, ESQ., President of the Climate Institute; and MAUREEN KOETZ, Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Projects at the Nuclear Energy Institute. Special presentation by JEFFREY HUNKER, Deputy Assistant to the Secretary, Office of Policy & Strategic Planning, U.S. Department of Commerce.

CLIMATE TREATY UPDATE # 5: THE IMPACTS OF THE KYOTO PROTOCOL ON THE AEROSPACE AND AIRLINE INDUSTRIES. February 10, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: JOEL M. LEVY, PH.D., Program Officer for Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in the Office of Global Programs at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the U.S. Department of Commerce; JAMES D. ERICKSON, Director of the Office of Environment & Energy at the Federal Aviation Administration in the U.S. Department of Transportation; HOWARD G. AYLESWORTH, JR., Director of Customer Support and Aircraft Noise and Emissions at the Aerospace Industries Association of America; STEPHEN O. ANDERSEN, PH.D., Director of Strategic Climate Projects in the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Division at U.S. EPA; WARREN L. DEAN, JR., ESQ., with the law firm of Dyer, Ellis & Joseph and Professor of International Transportation Law at Georgetown University and an adviser to the Air Transport Association on the Kyoto Protocol; and SHARI F. NATOVITZ, Vice President and Marketing Director, as well as Senior Adviser to the Airport Team, with the insurance firm of J & H Marsh & McLennan.

CLIMATE TREATY UPDATE # 6: CARBON TRADING: OPPORTUNITIES AND HURDLES IN THE POST-KYOTO ENVIRONMENT. April 14, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DAVID W. SOUTH, Vice President, Technology and Markets Group, Energy Resources International, Inc.; JOHN PALMISANO, Director, Regulatory Affairs, ENRON International; VICTORIA GREENFIELD, Chief Economist, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, U.S. Department of State; MICHAEL J. WALSH, Senior Vice President, Environmental Financial Products, Ltd. (formerly Centre Financial Products, Ltd.); and ROBERT FRIEDMAN, Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research, H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment. Special Guest Producer: DAVID W. SOUTH.

CLIMATE TREATY UPDATE # 7: THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE LATEST ECONOMIC IMPACT ANALYSES ABOUT KYOTO. October 13, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DR. KEVIN E. TRENBERTH, Head of the Climate Analysis Section of the Climate & Global Dynamics Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research; DR. S. FRED SINGER, President of the Science and Environmental Policy Project; DR. JEFFREY FRANKEL, Senior Economist with the President's Council of Economic Advisers; and DR. PAUL BERNSTEIN, a Senior Associate with Charles River Associates.

CLIMATE TREATY UPDATE # 8: THE RESULTS OF THE BUENOS AIRES SUMMIT: AN IMMEDIATE ASSESSMENT WITH ALL THE KEY PLAYERS. December 15, 1998 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DIRK FORRISTER, Chairman of the White House Task Force on Global Climate Change; CONSTANCE "CONNIE" HOLMES, Chairman of the Global Climate Coalition; MAUREEN T. KOETZ, Director of Environmental Policy for the Nuclear Energy Institute; MICHAEL L. MARVIN, Executive Director of the Business Council for Sustainable Energy; and JOHN TOPPING, President of the Climate Institute.

CLIMATE TREATY # 9: THE EXAMPLE OF LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES IN DEALING WITH THE CHALLENGES POSED BY THE KYOTO PROTOCOL. February 16, 1999 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch. Panelists include: CHRISTIANA FIGUERES, Co- Executive Director, Center for Sustainable Development in the Americas; LUIS NINO, Venezuelan Delegation, Organization of American States; DON GOLDBERG, Center for International Environmental Law ( DC ); ESTEBAN BRENES, Environment Specialist, Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank.

CLIMATE TREATY UPDATE # 10: SATELLITES AND OTHER MEANS OF REMOTE SENSING FROM ABOVE: A STRATEGY FOR IMPLEMENTING KYOTO AND ENSURING COMPLIANCE? April 13, 1999 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch. Panelists include: STEVEN MIRMINA, Director of the International Environmental Law Program for the Institute for Global Environmental Issues; JASON O'NEIL, Consultant with International Commercial Satellite Sales and Marketing; DR. KEN HAWKER, Mitre Corporation analyst and author of a recently declassified report on the Kyoto Protocol and its enforcement mechanisms; and ROY KIME, Attorney Advisor and Special Assistant to the Deputy Director in the Office of Criminal Enforcement, Forensics, and Training, in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance at U.S. EPA. Produced by F.E.L.S.E.F. Senior Steering Committee Member DR. ANN MEAD HOOKER.



EXPORT OF U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY TO ASIA. April 10, 1996 Environmental Law Committee lunch program. Panelists include: MARK KASMAN, Technology Cooperation Manager in the Office of International Activities at U.S. EPA; CRAIG O'CONNOR, Environmental Liaison Officer in the International Business Development Office at the U.S. Export-Import Bank; JOHN F. MIZROCH, Executive Director of the U.S. Environmental Export Council; CATHERINE STRICKLAND, Manager of the Private Sector Programs at the International Institute for Energy Conservation; and MARY HARRIS, on the staff of the Energy Efficiency and Global Climate Change Programs at the private consulting firm of Hagler Bailly.

COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE EXPORT OF U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY TO THE NEW SOUTH AFRICA. May 29, 1996 Environmental Law Committee lunch program. Panelists include: DANA J. DU RAND, Minister (Economics) at the South African Embassy; NIELS C. HAUFFE, Chairman of New World Ventures, L.L.C., and former South African Counselor for Science and Technology to Iran, the U.K. and the U.S.; JULIA PHILPOTT, Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Energy-funded U.S.-South Africa Transport Technology Project at the International Institute for Energy Conservation; EDWARD BADOLOTO, Washington Representative and Senior Energy Adviser to Bogart Environmental Services, with offices in Johannesburg; BERT ROSICA, Principal, HB Capital, Inc., representing Toronto-based William Perrin, Ltd. in its sales to South Africa; and WALTER C. JONES, Manager, Business Development, Africa and the Middle East, with the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

TRADE AND THE ENVIRONMENT: AN UPDATE UPON THE OCCASION OF THE WTO CONFERENCE IN SINGAPORE. December 19, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: JAMES L. CONNAUGHTON, ESQ., with the law firm of Sidley & Austin; DAVID J. VAN HOOGSTRATEN, ESQ., U.S. EPA; and J. THOMAS WOLFE, ESQ., Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. Moderated by GARY N. HORLICK, ESQ., with the law firm of O'Melveny & Myers.



INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM # 1: THE ROLE OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE ENTREPRENEURS. February 13, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: ROAN CONRAD, Chief of External Affairs, Office of Sustainable Development, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce; LEONARD S. BERNSTEIN, PH.D., Manager, Corporate Environmental Health & Safety Issues, Mobil Corp.; WILLIAM Y. BROWN, Senior Fellow with the World Wildlife Fund and former Vice President for Environmental Planning & Programs with WMX; JERRY TAYLOR, Director of Natural Resources Studies, Cato Institute; and DAVID BERRY, Executive Director, Interagency Sustainable Development Indicator Group, with the Council on Environmental Quality in the Executive Office of the President (MODERATOR).

INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM # 2: THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. March 20, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: ROBERT F. LAWRENCE, of Counsel to the law firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; FRANCES SEYMOUR, Director of International Development Policy with the World Wildlife Fund; and CHARLES E. DI LEVA, Senior Counsel in the Environment Unit in the Legal Department at the World Bank.



INNOVATIONS IN COOPERATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION: THE EXAMPLES OF THE NETHERLANDS AND NEW ZEALAND. May 15, 1996 Environmental Law Committee lunch program. Panelists include: JOHN ERIC NELSON, Director of the Eastern Office of the Resource Renewal Institute and the Partnership Council; PAUL HOFHUIS, Counselor for Health and Environment at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington, D.C.; and ALEXANDRA TIDSWELL, Second Secretary (Political) at the New Zealand Embassy in Washington, D.C.

NATIONAL SECURITY, DIPLOMACY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. October 17, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include DR. ALAN D. HECHT, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Office of International Activities at the U.S. EPA; AMBASSADOR MARK G. HAMBLEY, U.S. Special Negotiator on Climate Change, U.S. Special Representative to the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development, and former Ambassador to Qatar and Lebanon; GARY D. VEST, Principal Deputy Assistant Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security; and RICHARD J. SMITH, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Global and Multilateral Issues on the National Intelligence Council.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, PAST AND PRESENT, IN UKRAINE. November 20, 1996 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: the HONORABLE YURI M. SHCHERBAK, Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States; DR. BRUCE L.R. SMITH, Senior Fellow Emeritus, Brookings Institution; and RUTH GREENSPAN BELL, ESQ., private international environmental consultant, formerly with International Activities Division of OGC at U.S. EPA.

RIO PLUS FIVE: A PROGRESS REPORT ON THE 92 RIO CONVENTION IN ANTICIPATION OF THE SPECIAL U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING IN JUNE. May 15, 1997 F.E.L.S.E.F. lunch program. Panelists include: DAVID SANDALOW, Associate Director for Global Environment at the Council on Environmental Quality and Director of Environmental Affairs at the National Security Council; LARISA DOBRIANSKY, Senior Counsel to the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs in the U.S. House of Representatives; KATY MORAN, Executive Director of the Healing Forest Conservancy, associated with Shaman Pharmaceuticals; and TOM BOMBELLES, Assistant Vice President for International at PHRMA, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association of America.


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